

Short description

Create wavelet cascade


    [Wop, filters] = WAVELET_FACTORY_1D(N)
    [Wop, filters] = WAVELET_FACTORY_1D(N, filt_opt)
    [Wop, filters] = WAVELET_FACTORY_1D(N, filt_opt, scat_opt)


    N (int): The size of the signals to be transformed.
    filt_opt (struct): The filter options, same as FILTER_BANK.
    scat_opt (struct): The scattering options, same as WAVELET_LAYER_1D.


    Wop (cell): A cell array of wavelet layer transforms needed for the  
       scattering transform.
    filters (cell): A cell array of the filters used in defining the 


    In order to calculate the scattering coefficients of a signal, a set of 
    filter banks need to be defined first. Given these filter banks, wavelet
    transforms can be defined on scattering layers. To obtain the former,
    WAVELET_FACTORY_1D calls the FILTER_BANK function using the parameters
    provided in filt_opt, the result of which is returned as filters.
    Each filter bank is then used to create a layer operator, using the 
    function WAVELET_LAYER_1D. This function takes a layer, a filter bank
    and a set of parameters as input. WAVELET_FACTORY_1D fixes the filter 
    bank as to the element of filters corresponding to the layer order, while
    scat_opt is used as the parameters. The result is a cell array Wop,
    of layer operators which take one layer as input, and return two layers
    as output, A and V corresponding to the "average" and "variation" of the
    input layer.

See also

List of all packages